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How to Boost Your Career Through
Negative Feedback

In this 38-minute recorded webinar, Chris Heinz discusses ways to tap into the possibilities for career advancement by recognizing and responding appropriately to the feedback situations in your life.

Drawing on insights from authors Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen, and Brene' Brown, Chris focuses on the powerful role of the responder in a feedback conversation.

Learn how to:

  • Recognize different types of feedback
  • Identify triggers that can impact a feedback situation
  • Understand the story you may be telling yourself
  • Adopt a growth mindset
  • Navigate the feedback conversation

Empower yourself through an understanding of the feedback process, pitfalls and potential.

About the Presenters

Chris Heinz is Chief Marketing Officer for EnergyCAP, Inc. He says he is uniquely qualified to present since during his life, he has received lots of negative feedback.

Watch the Webinar